Welcome to my thoughts on Living with Joy, Purpose, and Conscious Choice.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

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Eight Rules for Living Your Greatest Life

Eight Rules for Living Your Greatest Life

1. Honor yourself
Trust yourself, believe in yourself, and always act with honor.

2. Forgive both others and yourself for whatever has occurred.
Anger, hatred, vengeance, shame and guilt only hurt you further. Only complete forgiveness can create a joyful future.

3. Be grateful for all of life.
Be thankful you were born. Be thankful for every moment, for every bite of food, for each small joy. You were owed none of this. Everything is a gift.

4. Choose with open mind and open heart.
Make your own decisions, and make each decision from unconditional love.

5. Act from your vision.
Know your life purpose, and live each day to further that purpose.

6. Take action.
The best intentions mean nothing without action. Take action toward your life purpose each day.

7. Celebrate your life.
Let your life be a song and dance of celebration.

8. Know unity with Spirit and with all of creation.
Everything in creation is of the same masterwork. Everything is one.

Further reading: Eight Points of An Inspired Life - Keys to Happiness

How to Choose Your Life Purpose

Zero-Based Gratitude


Choose Your Habits, Choose Your Life

Plant Trees For Your Grandchildren

Is there a place for Honor today?


jayamohan said...

Thanks. It is so usefull and encouraging.

Cris L. said...

The biggest inspiration is to walk in the beat of ur heartbeat O:-)

Dragan P. Bogunovic said...

As long as I remember my Father told me that: What ever you can do today do not leave for tomorrow because tomorrow will have some more things to do and all will grow to the point as river without return.
As always as many years I am thankful to you Jonathan

Anonymous said...

your words are so inspiring. i look forward to reading every morning before i start my day. thank you

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