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- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

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Friday, April 1, 2011

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Regarding gratitude and life

Question: I am confused regarding gratitude and life ... so how do we improve our life if we are supposed to be happy with what we got all the time ?

My Answer:

That is a great question. The answer comes in two parts...

1. If you truly are happy, what else would you want? How could you "improve" upon a truly 100% happy life?

2. Blessings flow toward gratitude. If you give thanks for your affluence, the love in your life, and so forth, that gratitude acts as a magnet to attract more affluence, love, and other blessings into your life. This works both energetically and in the physical world. Imagine that you give a small gift to each of two friends. One of them smiles at you and says, "Thank you so much." The other frowns and says, "Is this all you are giving me?" To which of your friends are you more likely to give another, larger, gift? That is the way Spirit works.

It is my practice to be grateful every day for ALL of life. Whatever appears to be a burden is either a deferred blessing or a lesson. Who am I to know Spirit's intention for me, so I believe in the future and I am grateful.

Each of us has been infinitely blessed - beginning with the gift of life. Whatever may appear to be missing or broken on any particular day, our glass is not half full, it is 99.9% full. More practically, when we feel ungrateful, we become unhappy and stressed. When we choose to feel and express our gratitude, the act of feeling and speaking our thanks creates a happiness within us. The more we express our gratitude, the more we have for which to be grateful.

I'm happy with how I've lived my life because I choose to be happy. Regrets and resentments are a sure path to unhappiness, so I am very careful to avoid them. I consciously forgive myself for any choices I made in the past that I would not repeat today.

I Receive ALL of Life with Thanksgiving - I have gratitude for EVERYTHING that has ever occurred to bring me to this moment. I give thanks for the joys and the sufferings, the moments of peace and the flashes of anger, the compassion and the indifference, the roar of my courage and the cold sweat of my fear. I accept gratefully the entirety of my past and my present life.

Today in My World: Let Today be a day to be grateful for everything. NOTICE all of life. Observe the tastes and smells, as well as the sights and sounds. Notice the gentle breeze, the bird, the flower, the tree. Pay attention to the baby and the kitten. Take five minutes today to place several pieces of fruit or other pleasant food in a bowl, and give thanks. Hold the bowl reverently, and give thanks for all of life.


Anonymous said...

This is very neat. I will save it to my evernote.com record and I will refer to it on my entry for today on the Gratitude Journal at Happiness inside. com

Anonymous said...

I think you hold the wisdom of the Universe, and I thank you in mind every day for sharing it with me and millions of other grateful recipients. THANK YOU ALWAYS, JOHNATHAN, FOR HELPING US TO KNOW WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE!

Debbie M.

Anonymous said...

Thank You, Jonathan I look forward to these bits of wisdom; The Holy Spirit is working thru you! Mary S.

DJ Henderson said...

I'm stealing this!! Thank you so much.

Victor Uadiale said...

Thank you for this.. thank u

Anonymous said...

Thank You Thank You Thank You

kevin gammon said...

i;m grateful for life right now;
i should of been dead a long time ago
there fore i;m grateful for life

Anonymous said...

I am alway gratful for evrething that happens to me good and bad, but I somethines forget to say Thank You GOD for all thathe has done.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

thank you lord for everything...good or bad. the good things in life is not all that matters. you learned more during hard times and that makes you a better person. i thank life as it gives me the strength to be who i am and i look at it with hope and happiness. for life is god himself. his love sustains me.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou Jonathan I'm so grateful to you for opening my eyes today,I was so angry and unforgiving towards my husband for all the abuse...etc.
I know now that iam a strong woman for all that has happened to me in the past....I now move forward and leave all those bad memories behind me....I thought I had a long time ago but I only realized it was @the back of my mind all these years!!!!
Thanks to you,I never realized that I should be grateful!!!!anon

Unknown said...

Many many thanks for the word of encouragement... I have been so negative lately, I forgot the importance of being grateful
Thank you so much

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